samedi 9 juin 2007

what is itunes biz model?

Business models are perhaps the most discussed and least understood aspect of the web. There is so much talk about how the web changes traditional business models. But there is little clear-cut evidence of exactly what this means.
In the most basic sense, a business model is the method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself -- that is, generate revenue. The business model spells-out how a company makes money by specifying where it is positioned in the value chain.

Some models are quite simple. A company produces a good or service and sells it to customers. If all goes well, the revenues from sales exceed the cost of operation and the company realizes a profit. Other models can be more intricately woven. Broadcasting is a good example. Radio and later television programming has been broadcasted over the airwaves free to anyone with a receiver for much of the past century.

samedi 10 mars 2007

Easy Jet Case

Easy Jet Case:

1.Revenue sources:
a. Different partenership
c.Provindg various services and anticipate demands.

By having different partenrship and affiliations the company can gaurantee more revenue sources because the services proposed to the customers are not limited.

2.Revenue opportunities:
a)Easy Credit Cards
b)Easy Video Games
c)Easy Cyber-Cafe
d)Easy Insurance
e)Easy Trips ,excursions and Visits
f)Easy Loyalty Card
g)Easy Fast Foods
i)Easy Meetq
j)Easy Life

3.Cross Marketing

By Nadine,Fadoua & Aymen.

Open Innovation

The idea behind "open innovation" is how to tap into external solutions to corporate technical problems. Innocentive posts to their recruited network ofscientists, yourEncore posts projects to retired corporate technical personnel, and NineSigma posts Requests for Proposals (RFPs) globally to an open network of inventors, universities, and small/medium/large companies.

Innocentive is a service company in the external,they requests projects to their to recruted network of scientists.
NineSigma they look for news soluctions to solve problems and innovation.Specific areas this permit to identified the problem and solve them quickly.
YourEncore™ is a service provider recruiting high quality experienced scientists, engineers, and product developers to make them available to both member and non-member companies.Same marge to look soluctions.Retired corporate techinical soluctions.

mercredi 7 mars 2007

give 2 exemples

OTHER than the companies listed in the post, give 2 exemples of online businesses that are successfully using this model. Please provide links.


Be sure to research and read an article in addition to the VC post.
Nintendo Wii tops January console sales
Nintendo Co.'s Wii was the top video-game console in the U.S. in January, outselling Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 and each of Sony Corp.'s current PlayStation consoles, according to newly released market research.
Sales of the Nintendo console came in at 436,000 units, followed by Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 at 294,000 units, and Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 at 244,000 units, according to preliminary NPD Group data cited by Microsoft.
Sony's seven-year-old PlayStation 2 remained a formidable competitor, selling slightly less than 300,000 units in the U.S., according to the data.
The Wii, released in November, benefits in part from a lower price than its rivals. But the console -- which uses a unique, motion-sensitive controller -- has also been able to attract an audience beyond hard-core video gamers, said Perrin Kaplan, vice president of marketing with Redmond-based Nintendo of America.
"I do think that we're selling to additional and different customers," compared with the Microsoft and Sony consoles, Kaplan said. "We've had an incredibly healthy start and we think there's going to be a pretty long tail on this product."
Microsoft considered the Xbox 360 results a "fantastic January," said spokeswoman Molly O'Donnell. In addition to topping the PlayStation 3 in sales, the Xbox 360 saw strong game sales, including "Lost Planet" for Xbox 360, from Capcom Co., the top-selling game for the month, according to NPD.
However, the January results won't reflect a long-term trend, predicted Michael Pachter, analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities. He said he expects the PlayStation 3, with its embedded Blu-ray Disc player, to win the long-term race for market share, as the prices for all three consoles decline.
Nintendo's Wii currently sells for $250, compared with $300 and $400 for the two versions of the Xbox 360, and $500 and $600 for the PlayStation 3.
Both the PlayStation 3 and Wii experienced shortages following their November launches in their United States.
Microsoft's Xbox 360 was launched in November 2005, and the company benefited from the ability to supply more of its consoles over the recent holidays. However, Microsoft recently reduced its short-term sales projections for the Xbox 360, saying it wanted to focus on making the money-losing business profitable.
Microsoft, which sold a cumulative total of 10.4 million Xbox 360s through the end of 2006, had previously been expecting to reach 13 million to 15 million by June 30, the end of the 2007 fiscal year. Now, it's projecting 12 million.
Nintendo's Kaplan said the company would have been able to sell more Wiis in January had it been able to manufacture enough. Pachter said he was surprised Nintendo wasn't able to supply more than it did. The Wii has continued to experience shortages, but Nintendo says shipments are ongoing and continuous.

lundi 26 février 2007


How does "free" in fact generate revenue?
Free actually help to sell more for business help them maximize their success on the Internet by bringing them the most useful e-business information.

What is the model?

What is the model?
Is a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept. The model is implemented in a variety of ways,moreover, a firm may combine several different models as part of its overall Internet business strategy.
C'est un ensemble des mécanismes permettant à une entreprise de crée de la valeur à travers la proposition de valeur faite à ses clients.


Swicki is:
A community powered search and advertising for your blog or website.
My swickis is:

samedi 24 février 2007

Really a very interesting MKT Solution, Vente Prive was created some years ago but it is actually one of the Succesful Marketing web pages in Internet, specially in France.One of the most original ideas was to give the opportunity to buy with them, only to people who knew somebody that previously bought or at least knew what "VENTE PRIVE" means.Actually, everyday we recieve a lot of span mails that of course we don't open scared of virus or simply because we are sure that there is nothing interesting inside.VENTE PRIVE asures that a mail sent is a mail open because they are your friends,your relatives or somebody you know who sents the invitation that is neccesary to buy, of course if somebody from your influence wants to share this kind of things with you, for sure it is interesting.This is one of succesful ideas, then, you can enjoy with the luxury and design articles you can buy half of their price, even less and also that is sent to your house.they make easy and cheap, something everbody needs and coming from the beginning that you should trust, something you like makes you part of it.VENTEE PRIVEE, also will in the nearly future become International, with a very well thought strategy, they will start with Germany and Spain where they are sure, from the very begining they will succed due to the economic situation and also a culture adapted to new tendences.In England and Italy they will attend a little bit more, they are markets, because of their currency or because they think they are not ready.the Strategy they followed made then go from more or less 36 Million € to 110 Millions in only 1 year, from 2005 to 2006 and they had more than 1.600.000 visitors all of them interacting between them, don't forget that to become a VENTE PRIVEE member is only possible if somebody else sends to you an invitation.their development is not only based in the Internacionalitation, they just bought a new center in order to increase their capacity, even when one of their faults is that just after one month you will recieve your boughtsVENTE PRIVEE also cares about the suppliers, they recomend them not more than two sales each year in order not to become a soldes company and keep their luxury image. they also help to keep this image with the presentations they make, very easy ones but they are capable to show what the firm wants to represent.and finally....all of this to get discounts from 30 to 70%, so the clients are really satisfied....they are the kings and queens every sale.http://nadangola.blogspot.comhttp://epiphaneberri.blogspot.com
I take my sources informations from Google,Yahoo and Capricornio.



mercredi 21 février 2007

Dans sa grille des vols internationaux, la TAAG dessert les aéroports de Kinshasa (RDC), Harare (Zimbabwe), Windhoek (Namibie), Pointe-Noire et Brazzaville (Congo), Lusaka (Zambie), Joannesburg (Afrique du Sud), Rio de Janeiro (Brésil), Lisbonne (Portugal) et Paris (France).

samedi 10 février 2007

Le constructeur américain Boeing vient d'annoncer la vente de deux 777-200ER et quatre 737-700QC ou Quick Change équipés d'ailettes marginales profilées à TAAG Angola Airlines. Le contrat de près de 650 millions de dollars comporte des options sur un biréacteur long-courrier supplémentaire mais aussi deux autres moyen-courriers interchangeables entre passagers et fret. Les nouveaux appareils seront livrés en 2006 au transporteur africain à partir de juillet en remplacement de sa flotte actuellement composée de deux 747-300 et cinq 737-200 d'ancienne génération.
La compagnie nationale angolaise reste ainsi fidèle à l'avionneur américain et devient également le 39ème client officiel du 777.
Christine Baumgartner, une créatrice de sacs à main d'origine allemande, et Costner s'étaient mariés en septembre 2004 près d'Aspen (Colorado, ouest) où l'acteur de 52 ans possède une propriété.
La future maman "va bien. Elle est très heureuse. Je suis très heureux. Mes enfants sont très heureux", a déclaré Costner au journal People, sans préciser quand la naissance était prévue.
Ce sera le premier enfant de Christine Baumgartner, 32 ans. Costner a déjà eu quatre enfants, trois de son premier mariage, aujourd'hui âgés de 19 à 22 ans, et un petit garçon de 10 ans, d'une autre relation.
Né dans une banlieue sud défavorisée de Los Angeles en 1955, Costner, diplômé en sciences économiques, a commencé au cinéma à 27 ans, obtenant ses premiers rôles mémorables dans "Silverado" en 1985, puis l'adaptation du feuilleton "Les incorruptibles" en 1987.

mercredi 31 janvier 2007

Get up Angola

Amigos este é o meu e vosso espaço.
Nao se esqueçam que este é um espaço dedicado a abertura turistica da nossa Angola recebo todas ideias para o desenvolvimento do nosso pais nesta aérea.
Conto convosco neste nosso espaço!